

How to order

Shipping costs vary by country and shipping condition. We will email you the weight and package size for you to get an estimate of the shipping cost if it's shipped with blue ice.

In most cases, we will ship the product after we receive your payment.

The "product page" field tells you if the product needs to be shipped on blue ice. Or just contact us.
Country Ambient temp Blue ice shipment
All Free of charge for orders of 600 USD or more. Please provide your shipper's account no.
US & Canada 60 USD Please inquire
EU 60 USD Please inquire
China 60 USD Please inquire
Japan 60 USD Please inquire
Other countries worldwide Please inquire Please inquire
After your sent the order in our store, you will receive an email for payment link and here are the three options for payment:
- Wire payment: We invoice you after we receive your order.
- PayPal: Login with your PayPal account and pay immediately.
- Credit card: We accept Visa and Mastercard credit cards. You may see on the login page of PayPal at the checkout page, you will see a button below login PayPal where you may enter credit care information.
We typically produce by order basis: 
Item Lead time includes shipping
Phycobiliprotein <10 days
Streptavidin conjugate <10 days
Recombinant protein 2-3 weeks
Resin 2-3 weeks
Cell culture supplement <10 days
Conjugation service Update by email or phone
  • Product: Catalog number, name, quantity
  • Contact person: name, phone number, email address
  • Delivery and billing address
  • Your shipper's account no. 
The easiest way to place an order is via our online shop.
Alternatively, you can provide the same information by:
Contact  info
fax +886 2655 8196
phone +886 2655 8198


No, it is caused by an over conjugated condition.
The normal pH tolerance is 6.5~8.5. The quality of the product will be damaged if pH value is outside of this range.
With the packaging supplied by Flogen and storage at 2~8℃ away from light, the shelf life is 3 years.
When the temperature is below 37℃ with the package and solution supplied by Flogen, the quality of phycobiliprotein product can be highly stable or even unchanged for several days. However, when the temperature reaches above 37℃, phycobiliprotein will denature easily within a short period of time.

Lyophilized Phycobiliprotein

l. Ready-to-use: It is ready to use without any pre-treatment steps, such as buffer exchange, concentration adjustment, quality checks, etc. In addition, because lyophilization process does not include any material that affects conjugation, there’s no need to worry about the quality of conjugates which, on the other hand, will be affected if there is an incomplete elimination of ammonium sulfate in the ammonium sulfate solution form. 2. Stability: Higher stability, longer shelf life, and also much easier to transport. 3. Flexible production capacity:Available in small and large quantity production 4. Quality: The quality of lyophilized phycobiliproteins is the same as phycobiliproteins in saturated ammonium sulfate solution; their purity and fluorescence performance are the same. 5. Economical effectiveness: Decrease cost in packing and transportation due to much smaller size of the product; reduced labor cost, time consumed, and sample wasted during protein purification in ammonium sulfate solution. 6. Reproducibility: Reducing deviation between experiments, increasing batch-to-batch consistency.
Our R&D team has gone through numerous experiments and validations, and has developed the lyophilization process without altering the fluorescent intensity and light absorbance property of phycobiliproteins. Moreover, Lyo Flogen® has passed strict quality tests to ensure it possesses the quality of phycobiliproteins stored in saturated ammonium sulfate solution.
Does the lyophilized phycobiliprotein follow the same conjugation procedures as the Phycobiliprotein products store in ammonium sulfate solution?
Because there are no preservatives in lyophilized phycobiliprotein and the package is not sterilized, to preserve our product from other microorganisms or enzymes, or to maintain its original property, we do not recommend long term storage of re-suspended lyophilized phycobiliprotein or freezing and thawing upon usage. We suggest you to re-suspend it in concentration greater than 10mg/ml, stored it in 2~8℃ and use the product within a week.
No ammonium sulfate or other material that will interfere with the conjugation process is added in this product.

Recombinant Protein

Please follow the instruction to reconstitute the products. If the product is sterile, please follow the operation procedure for sterile product. If not specifically prohibited or the system is allowed, you may add 0.09% NaN3 to inhibit bacterial growth for longer shelf life.
Storage and method of reconstitution vary for different products. Please follow the instruction in the package to store the lyophilized product in 2~8 ℃ or -20 ℃. Please follow the instruction to reconstitute the products. If you are unable use all the product at once, we recommend you to aliquot the product into smaller portions for each single usage and store them in -80℃ to avoid freeze and thaw.
If it states “sterilized” in the instruction, we recommend you to store and operate under sterilized conditions.
The shelf life varies. Please refer to the label or instruction in you package. We can guarantee the valid period of our recombinant protein products is at least one year from the date you receive the product.